PREPARE and SAVE: Eligible shoppers can use their commissary benefit to save at least 25% when purchasing emergency items

FORT GREGG-ADAMS, Va. – The next emergency will not be annotated on your planning calendar. However, during National Preparedness Month in September, greater awareness is highlighted on the necessity to plan for the unexpected.
Whatever the crisis, service members and their families can save at least 25 percent by using their commissary benefit for their emergency items.
“We’ve all seen the devastating impact of the wildfires in Hawaii and the typhoons in the Pacific,” said Marine Sgt. Maj. Michael R. Saucedo, senior enlisted advisor to the DeCA director. “These events and other emergencies are all out of our control. However, eligible shoppers can use their benefit to save at least $25 for every $100 they spend on emergency supplies in the commissary.”
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s theme for this year’s National Preparedness Month is “Preparing for Older Adults.” The Preparedness Month website has helpful tips, videos and information separated into several compartments, most notably the following sections:
- Disasters and Emergencies: Subsections explain the disasters and hazards that could impact your location and give information on how to get emergency alerts and where to evacuate.
- Make a Plan: Subsections explain how to build an emergency kit, practice a fire escape plan, prepare for an emergency without going broke, stay “tech ready,” plan for assisting individuals with disabilities, preparing pets for emergencies and more.
To help service members and their families prepare their survival kits, DeCA sets up an annual severe weather promotional package from April through Oct. 31 with discounts on the following items: beef jerky and other assorted meat snacks, soup and chili mixes, canned goods, powdered milk, cereals, batteries, airtight bags, weather-ready flashlights, tape (all-weather, heavy-duty shipping and duct), first aid kits, lighters, matches, lanterns, candles, hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes. Specific items may vary from store to store.
How do you prepare for the next crisis? Planning is the first step and emergency preparedness officials recommend a disaster supply kit that includes the following items:
- Reusable or disposable face coverings, disposable gloves, hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes and hand soap
- Water – at least one gallon daily, per person (three-day supply for evacuation, two-week supply for home)
- Nonperishable foods – canned meats, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, raisins, cereal, crackers, cookies, energy bars, granola, peanut butter, and foods for infants and the elderly (three-day supply for evacuation, two-week supply for home)
- Paper goods – writing paper, paper plates, paper towels and toilet paper
- Writing utensils – pens, pencils (manual pencil sharpeners) and markers
- Cooking items – pots, pans, baking sheets, cooking utensils, charcoal, a grill and a manual can opener
- First-aid kit – including bandages, medicines and prescription medications
- Cleaning materials – bleach, sanitizing spray, and hand and laundry soap
- Toiletries – personal hygiene items and moist wipes
- Pet care items – food, water, muzzle, leash, carrier, medications, medical records, and identification and immunization tags
- Lighting accessories – flashlights, batteries, candles and matches
- Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
- Duct tape and scissors
- Multipurpose tool
- Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates and insurance policies)
- Cell phone with chargers
- Family and emergency contact information
- Extra cash
- Emergency blanket
- Maps of the area
- Blankets or sleeping bags
For more information, go to the DeCA webpage on disaster preparedness for lists of resources. You can also go to and the Department of Homeland Security’s National Preparedness Goal webpage.
About DeCA: The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment. Commissaries provide a military benefit, saving authorized patrons thousands of dollars annually on their purchases compared to similar products at commercial retailers. The discounted prices include a 5-percent surcharge, which covers the costs of building new commissaries and modernizing existing ones. A core military family support element, and a valued part of military pay and benefits, commissaries contribute to family readiness, enhance the quality of life for America’s military and their families, and help recruit and retain the best and brightest men and women to serve their country.